Tuesday 14 April 2020

How we ate food, gulped drinks meant for the gods – Akwa Ibom lawyer

Ekpo masquerade

Akwa Ibom lawyer, Udeme Ekott, has taken to Facebook to share an interesting story about his growing up in Uyo, the Akwa Ibom state capital, how he and his friends ate rice and stew, drank fanta which were kept by the roadside as ‘sacrifice’ for some gods.

Below is the unedited post by Mr Ekott:

I was reminiscing over some grotesque religious practices I've come across, which probably has swelled the ranks of ATHEISTS.

As part of the adventures back then in the early 90's, we used to go 🐟 @ Akpa Atak Eka.

Dwellers around Barracks road in those days can relate. It was(Is it still there?) a pond behind the Uniuyo(Town Campus) ravine with mysterious tales woven around it. Tales of Mermaids and it swallowing women, young men and stuff like that.

I was just a new recruit into the 'streets' then, I had just gained admissions into Anwa Ikpa (Uniuyo), but we were on strike. There was sanity in the streets then as cocaine & it's variants were a taboo, unlike today.

So two of my friends-John & Solo (not real names) urged me to go fishing with them & I obliged. I gathered the equipment as prescribed: Hook, line, sinker, worms, cork etc and a powerful flashlight. I waited for them outside our gate and off we went as early as 5:30 am.

We used Imatan street, but halfway to our destination, we met these two beautiful ladies probably in their late 30's, they passed us on the opposite direction and we wondered aloud where they could be returning from that early, Imatan wasn't as habited as it is now. Our energetic enthusiasm didn't allow us dwell on that distraction for long as we trudged on.

Barely, a distance of 50 metres thereafter, we came upon a hot delicious meal of Rice and Stew laid out upon cocoyam and plaintain leaves, accompanied with 2 bottles of Fanta. I was petrified but I observed that my friends were beside themselves with joy. I expressed my surprise at the scene. My friends, who were more worldly than me explained to me that the food was a sacrifice for the gods for help or intervention on something, for e.g against barrenness, for marriage, health issues, to ward off spiritual attacks, etc & is done as an ASSIGNMENT by religious practitioners.

I now related the ladies and the food, I shrugged and was about to move on but my two friends were already squatting, they washed their hands with dew from leaves & told me that God had provided for them in answer to their prayers. They took time and finished the food , drank the Fanta & belched. They even searched for toothpick on the leaves. Can you beat that!

I was in awe all the while fearing that my friends will come to some mysterious harm after eating the food meant for the gods, but they are alive till date, probably reading this piece.

We went on, caught some fishes, Solo actually, jumped into the river and swam to another side caught some bigger fishes, swam back and we later went home in one piece.

My take now is this; of what significance was this assignment and many others? Are all these part of what Christ asked of us? Did they actually expect the gods to eat the food?

Many marriages have been broken due to assignments, I know of a former lawmaker in Akwa Ibom whose wife was caught carrying out assignment naked for him at a religious house.

LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELVES! In Words, Thoughts and your Actions.

Approach your creator in humility and simplicity.

Give gratitude and honour to your Creator-our God in Heaven for His everday mercies.

Pray fervently to Him when in anguish or pain,

He will answer you.

All these obnoxious practices are what ATHEISTS use to snigger against Religions.

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