Sunday 5 July 2020

Opinion: Defrauding Anyone, Husband, Wife or Partner Included, makes you a Thief!

By Eme Esop

Unpopular opinion but I will write it anyway!

It will be unpopular with women but the men may cheer!

This morning I woke up and read one of those stories on FB where a woman was defrauding her husband with the children’s school fees and home keeping funds. She thought it was a good idea to inflate the cost and make some ‘vex’ money from this. I say vex money but she may have been creating an egg’s nest for those Mani-Pedi or spa treatments, that Brazilian wig or that Aso Oke to ‘pepper dem’ at that Lagos party!

Whatever the intent.  She is a thief and so is everyone who does this!!!!
You are cheating yourself and your family!
Better to put your own needs on the table and agree on a budget for them.
You’ll say “but my husband will not agree to this extra-budgetary expenses!”

If he does not, it must mean you cannot afford those excesses as a family (since he is the only provider) or your powers of persuasion and influence on that husband is non-existent. Which should really make you worried.

Defrauding anyone husband, wife or partner included makes you a thief! Worse than the politicians who pad their budgets. It is a criminal to act in this dodgy way! You are a criminal!! And if he or she found out, I assure you that you would lose that trust forever!!

It would be more dignified to find a job, pay for those extras with your sweat... more dignifying and you would find more fulfillment. 

Any man who is worth his weight, will allow you to be better than when he met you. After all, you are not a fool. Your father sent you to school for a reason... but will your contentment with mediocrity and your willingness to be treated like a puppet on a string, one without the ability to think, allow you to be great?

I am talking to you with the university degree, sitting at home, using children that you were both responsible for birthing, as an excuse to be nothing but a glorified house help or trophy wife..
If you hear someone tell you
“I don’t want you to work. Stay at home and take care of the children!”
You should never have married that one.. You should be cussing him out!! He does not want you financially empowered to be able to tell him the truth when he begins to disrespect you or becomes a community penis!
So you stay and take the abuse because you are stuck in the rot of having him give you money for pepper, salt, crayfish.
You have failed your father, your mother, your village if your education was a village effort!!!

Time to stand up and use the sense that God gave you !!!

If you take nothing away from this.. Take the fact that only YOU can give someone the right to determine what you are called.

So what will you do?

Because you do not want to rock the boat?
He provides?

He talks down at you but at least he does not punch you like a bag ??

What will that neighbour who perceives your relationship as a ‘perfect’ one think if you shake things up?

The bible says (and you add your own skewed translation to that quote ).

The choice to be a doormat is all yours

And the church say....

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